Love each other deeply

“Above all, love each other deeply because love covers over a multitude of sins.”
1 Peter 4:8 

One of the keys to living the abundant life is learning how to love and how to be loved. This is a two-way process. 

First, we learn how our Father’s love changes us from the inside out. The fact that His love is unconditional and there is nothing we can do to make Him love us any more is the driving factor that enables us to love those around us. As we read in the key scripture, if we love each other deeply above everything else, that love will cover a multitude of sins. 

The way we love is often a product of the way we have been loved by our earthly parents. It’s important to recognise that sometimes our earthly parents did not have the ability to love in the Biblical sense. The way to learn love is to look at the Father’s love for His children. He loves us unconditionally. His perfect love casts out all fear. When we live as loved ones there is no place for fear. 

When we love others as well as the Father loves us, we shine the light of Christ to those around us. 

The Bible commands us to love one another deeply. Ask the Father for a greater understanding of His unconditional, never-ending love for you. Then you will be able to love those around you deeply and unconditionally. 

Lord Jesus, Thank You for Your unconditional love. Thank You that Your perfect love casts out all fear. Help me learn to receive Your love in all its purity. Help me love those around me deeply. Thank You that love covers a multitude of sin. Give me eyes of love and a burning desire to love those around me. Help me to step out, take risks, and love like I’ve never loved before. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

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