Has his steadfast love for ever ceased?
Are his promises at an end for all time?
Has God forgotten to be gracious?
I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord.
Thy way, O God, is holy.
What god is great like our God?
Psalm 77.8-9,11, 13, RSV
So faith and doubt seem to belong together in our experience. On the day of resurrection ‘some doubted’, and through the ages the saints have wrestled with doubt.
Pause to reflect personally:
Father, I have doubts about myself.
I wonder how honest I really am, for I can often use the lovely words of faith when experience is not like the words.
I have doubts about my progress in the faith, for when I look back I see a courage and enthusiasm which today I lack.
I have doubts about my prayers, wondering if I just talk to myself.
Lord, in my doubts, remind me of your deeds, your way of healing, your word of power.
And, Father, I am part of an age of doubters.
I find it very easy to doubt the integrity of people in public life.
Lord, in my doubts may I know you are to be trusted, when all else is shaken.
Pray for those who are bewildered and cynical:
Lord God, foundation of life and sustainer of the world, may your lost children find assurance that you live, that you love; and may this be the rock on which life is given new joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord.