Stanwell Road Baptist Church and Eden Church Penarth have a vision to come together as One New Church with many expressions. We are acting together to see that vision become reality.
We would love you to join us in Church for Sunday worship at 10:30 a.m. for a more traditional approach to worship or at 6:00pm for a more contemporary approach. The same theme is followed in both with the same message from whoever is speaking that day. You can be assured of warm welcome with tea, coffee, biscuits and maybe even cake!
If for any reason you are unable to be with us you can join in via Zoom. Please contact Rev. Nick Bradshaw for the link.
Reaching Out and Welcoming In
Stanwell Road Baptist Church has a long history in the town of Penarth but equally have a sense that there are new times ahead.
We seek to serve a Supernatural God and want to grow in our expectation that we will experience the Supernatural work of God.
To help us along this journey we encourage everyone to BLESS. Bless someone everyday, a kind word, encouragement, and sacrificial act.
Listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit every day.
Eat together every week with a group of people you are committed to and practice genuine hospitality.
Seek to be like Jesus.
Sent. Stay mindful of opportunities to engage in mission on our day-to-day journey.
Whether you have a strong faith or just a curious visitor you can be assured of a warm and friendly welcome to our weekly worship at 10:30 a.m. on a Sunday. We also have a number of small bible study groups which give you the opportunity to explore your faith further in a non-challenging, relaxed environment.
Our loving welcome is equally extended to all who participate in the other various activities within the church. These include our weekly toddler’s group, Nippers ‘n’ Natters; our women’s walking group; the fortnightly craft club; the monthly book club and not least the extremely popular Saturday Coffee Shop.
We are delighted to have the Rangers, Guides, Brownies, Scouts, Beavers and Cubs of the 94th Penarth Guide & Scout Group regularly meeting in our Hall as well as taking part in our quarterly Parade Church Services.
Eden Church also meets in our building on Sundays at 6pm and we are delighted to explore ways in which we can work together.
As a member of the Penarth Council of Churches (Cytun), we are actively involved with other churches in the Ecumenical life of Penarth which include Lent lunches to support Christian Aid, Lent House groups, the Octave of Prayer and a Men’s Fellowship.
We equally value our partnerships with other organisations namely the Baptist Union of Great Britain, BMS World Mission, Kairos Connexions, Street Pastors, Rock UK and Penarth and District Lesotho Trust.