Our Coffee Shop is open every Saturday morning from 10am-12 noon: the high standard of home-made cakes, quality of tea/cafetière coffee (Fairtrade) and the service with a smile ought to make it worth the visit anyway!
But you will find a real sense of community here too.
For some, this is the Church Community because they come across many life situations here, talk about just about anything, including faith, and look out for each other.
Women’s Walking Group steps out most Tuesday mornings on a mutually agreed route allowing for friendly chat and fitness.
Men’s Fellowship, a collaborative group between Churches with speakers on a variety of topics, runs fortnightly on a Thursday morning and takes place in Elfed Avenue United Church, Penarth.
Soup Lunches take place in the Church Hall over a run of Friday mornings, usually in the Spring (Lent Lunches) and Autumn and are in aid of specified charities.
A simple home-made soup, cheese and roll lunch at a set price is served by a rota of paired teams from the Penarth Churches, allowing a substantial collection for a charitable causes like Christian Aid, Croeso Penarth Syrian Refugee Appeal or Drought Relief and also providing a welcome opportunity for community conversations.